Firstly my apologies. This constant uploading of unfinished works and sketches must be annoying. I think its useful to upload works on the main section though as it allows us to see proper detail.
In regards to this last point...I am having a chat with my sister in how we can restructure this site. I think it serves its current purpose quite well, and we obviously need to be careful not to dedicate to much time and effort to something which is primarily a subsiduary to our work. Having said that, if a few easy(ish) changes can allow it too function, and fullfill our requirements, more sucesfully, than that can only be a good thing.
Anyhow, in regards to uploaded images. The map series 'Between Somewhere and Nowhere' are finished. Having said that, their completion marks the start of a new series of similar works. Anyway, I am happy with them...no need to say anymore than that. For those interested they are about a5 size. They work like thi9s but there is potential for these small paper works to spawn larger canvas works.
The attached sketch is one of the second batch of recent sketches I have done (first batch was uploaded the other day). I am particuarly happy with this sketch. It is called 'Ballet of the Nightingale'. To an extent the title can be ignored, I merely name them at this stage to provide identification for myself. Having said that, the titles do provide an idication of certina elements of content. I am interested in how what were previously seperate elemetns can become one. By that I mean that they are not seperate figures by a single figure at various stages. Or perhaps not, maybe its something vaguer. Fuck knows actually. I don't think I overly need to klnow at this point, these are designed to inform future works, not to be finalised works of clarity.
That said I tihnk the following is true: treat all sketches like major works and all major works like sketches. So the former can have the seriousness of the later and the later the freedome of the former. Or something like that. How depresingly simplisitc and didactic of me.
Merry Christmas.
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