I am still not quite sure how I feel about the process of me using photoshop. But regardless of my doubts I continue to find it a useful program to explore pictorial ideas in. I can cut and paste figural elemtns at pace, move them around and play with composition without too much fuss. It provides a kind of drawing with strengths and weaknesses, but useful none the less. I still find it odd that I use a graphic program when I am producing, or hoping to produce, works of a highly painterly nature. There seems to be a dichotomy between design and final output which I cannot fathom.
Besides all this, I have a couple of ideas which are in there very initial stages. I have made no attempt, yet, to even hide the sources of certain quotations. These are nothing more than scribbles, in effect. One is a painting called Adam/Apollo reaching for the fruit of Daphne and Eve. The other is currently looking to confalte a few stories, but is still vague in the specifics. Apart from the obvious refernefce to one of the four sinners- forever lifting his boulder up the hill in hell. The little Bellin child (removed from a Virgin adn child work) seems to be an interest little detached protagonist. Something I am also looking into in a work I am about to start- 'The Drummer and the dancers.'
The second image wont upload for some reason. Computers!!!! grrrrrr
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