The above three pictures have all recently been completed (althyough Icarus II might need a little bit more glazing in the bottom middle section) Their completion made me realise how important working in groups has become to my work. It seems I like to have a few paintings working alongside each other, and they seem to feed each other. A lesson learnt in one place can be put into practise somewhere else.
I also noticed how in each group themes seem to exist in harmony, despite not having an predetermined desire to unite subject matter. This logic will be tested by my next three paintings as two of them push closer to abstraction and the other looks to articulate a stronger characterisation in a hunt for figuration. I am not quite sure how these new ones will work in tandem.
One of the reasons I am writting this blog is due to a technical flaw. I want to get these images up but when I uploaded onto the picture section 9to the right) the two vertical rectangular canvases have stretche dout of proportion. This is frustrating nad has happened before. I will sort it out soon with some photoshop help but thought I would add them hear in the mean time.
I am going to use the blog when I finsih every new set of works now as a quick chance to recrod my intial formal reactions. It will hopefully be a chance to not be so caught up in pretention and conception.
Lucretia: Happy with the figure in terms of drawing but not at all happy with the surface. It needs to be sexier, smoother and present the image rather than distract form it with bumps and lumps.
Endymion: The surface really works here. The glow, the breaking up of sections, the sense of light pouring from behind. I cant decide if the figures lose of solid form is a strength or a clear sign of weak underdrawing.
Icarus: The geometry of this work is something I am really happy about. it is more graphic than anything I have ever done before. i dont know if this is an exception or a new direction. I am also beginging to leanr how to use my colours, which is still a weakness. The greys (colbalt/burnt sienna and ultramarine/burnt umber) are started to exist in harmony. i also think that I am learning how to use the transparent yellow oxide I purchased. It gives a warm fog when laid on grey and a deep vibrant glow when brushed over a white base. It sits well in the heavy gel I have now finished, but I think it will sit better inthe thick glazing medium which is due to arrive this week.
I have also purchased a transparent red oxide and a new yellow. I am going to have some fun with green for a bit. I really wanted to get Jenkins green but it was just outside my budget. Perhaps it is the arrival of autumn that has suddenly made me want to get back to green. I dont tihnk it is a colour I have ever really got to grips with. Howard Hodgkin, you basterd. :)
Right. I will be uploading the first of my recent lectures tomorrow. I need to get them online for my students and have nowehre else to put them. Hopefully they will be of some interest Andy, apologies in advance for their length. I will look into seeing if it is possible to only have a small bit on display then a link to click to get to the whole thing.
finally- on a totally seperate note. I am still in total shock regarding Englands win over Australia. One of the great great sporting shocks. Fingers crossed for Saturday.
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